Get familiar with GeoDNS 

GeoDNS – definition

The GeoDNS or Geographical Domain Name System is a fascinating and efficient way of traffic distribution. You can find it also as the sole traffic director or the global traffic director. It works uniquely in that it serves requests based on their location.

It’s simple to optimize traffic to a domain with GeoDNS, and it’s also a good load balancing alternative. It solves a lot of difficulties and gives the network a boost once it’s implemented.

Substantial amounts of traffic, on the other hand, necessitate large solutions. If you own an international company, you should definitely look into GeoDNS. It will meet your requirements owing to all of the required name servers located in various key places throughout the world. It can be ideal for your target market!

How does it work?

GeoDNS’s secret weapon is geolocation. Your visitors’ requests for your site will be routed through DNS servers. You can use various DNS servers all around the world (depending on your DNS service provider) to comprehend traffic with GeoDNS. They’ll search up each user’s IP address in their database and compare it to their data on that IP address. The traffic will then be redirected to the pre-determined IP address, usually nearest to the request’s origin.

Let’s look at an example to make it clear:

Maria, who lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Martin from Los Angeles, USA, and Guilia from Milan, Italy, each wish to visit the website The site has a GeoDNS and numerous points of presence in Sao Paulo (BR), Los Angeles (US), Milan (EU).

They all wish to resolve the same domain name (, but the name servers will detect their DNS queries and route them to different IP addresses based on their IP address. So, for example, Guilia will be sent to Milan, Maria to Sau Paolo, and Martin to Los Angeles.

Why is it beneficial to implement GeoDNS?

GeoDNS is really advantageous. Here are some of its benefits:

  • GeoDNS is extremely simple to set up and use. Now, you need to set it up, and everything will run on its own.
  • Better traffic distribution — GeoDNS helps you to manage traffic properly and is an effective load balancing option (like Round-Robin). Additionally, you may automatically avoid traffic congestion and DNS unavailability with this strategy. On the other hand, it’s ideal for putting up a whole CDN.
  • Suspend DNS downtime — Having a whole network of DNS servers improves uptime immediately. Even in the worst-case situation, if one of your servers fails, DNS requests will be served by another server in your group.
  • Put geo-restrictions in place. You can limit access to specific users based on their IP address and geolocation. This is particularly handy when working with materials that include intellectual property, such as films, music, and photographs.


GeoDNS is a fantastic tool for lowering latency. It improves DNS resolution speed and efficiency. As a result, it boosts the user’s overall experience. It’s also necessary for increasing profits and achieving success!

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