How does Round-Robin work?

What is the Round-Robin definition?

The Round-Robin is the simplest way to divide traffic among numerous sites. When a client requests the round robin hostname, a DNS server responds with a different host IP address every time. For instance, you could set up it by mapping the hostname to the IP addresses,, and Each new client that inquired about the hostname would receive one of the three IP addresses randomly assigned by the DNS server. This equitably distributes brand-new client requests among the three IP addresses. To configure DNS Round-Robin, simply add progressively host (A if using IPv4 or AAAA if using IPv6) records with the same name but different IP addresses.

Benefits of Round-Robin DNS

Round-Robin DNS advantages

  • It is exceptionally straightforward to install and configure.
  • Balancing the flow can increase security and stop a DDoS attack in progress.
  • Round-Robin DNS is a relatively economical choice.
  • It meets user expectations and effectively manages heavy traffic loads.
  • Your network’s functioning can be readily optimized for speed, security, and good health.

How does it work?

Round-Robin network load balancing, in a nutshell, alternates connection requests among web servers according to the order in which requests are received. For example, assume that an organization has a cluster of three servers consisting of Server A, Server B, and Server C.

  • Server A receives the initial request.
  • Server B receives the second request.
  • Server C receives the third request.

Based on this order, the load balancer keeps sending requests to the servers. In order to handle heavy traffic, this makes sure that the server load is divided equally.

Types of DNS Round-Robin algorithms

  1. Weighted Round-Robin: You can select precise criteria and give each server a certain weight. Usually, system administrators employ the traffic-handling feature of the server. As a result, the number of user requests the server will receive will increase as the weight is increased.
  2. Dynamic Round-Robin: Each server is given a weight that is changed on the fly. It monitors current information on the servers’ load and untapped capacity.


Let’s recapitulate. The Round-Robin load balancer forwards a client request to each server in turn as it moves down the list of group servers. Therefore, Round-Robin’s primary advantage is that it is effortless to implement. However, because many Round-Robin load balancers presume that all servers are the same, it may not always result in the most accurate or efficient distribution of traffic.

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